Angel Face is February's Coffee Flavor of the Month

Who's ready for some warmer weather? Let's sip some drinks with hints of coconut and lemon and just dream about it, shall we? Introducing our new Angel Face flavored coffee. The Swiss have become the world power of chocolate. Creating the world's first melting chocolate and the world's first milk chocolate; there is no substitute for the superior quality that Swiss chocolate has given us, and that we can then in turn add to the flavor of your coffee with a hint of coconut. We are also excited to announce our NEW Angel Falls Tisane Tea. This fruit tisane contains rosehips, hibiscus leaves, strawberry, and lemon. Tisane is not only an amazing drink when you sip it warm from a teacup, but also it is just as delicious poured over ice and sipped on a warm day. To enhance your tea experience we also offer Mini Minute Filters (40ct) or mesh Tea Ball infuser. If you like flavored coffees check out our Seasonal Flavors Subscription Box and SAVE $6!! For the entire month of February the Coffee and Tea are BOTH ON SALE!